
A four-month immersive journey of organic attraction marketing strategy and deep subconscious work to expand you into new levels of love, abundance and success.


Combining deep inner work and magnetic strategy to transform you into the leader you were born to be

You are meant for more.

You have a legacy within you that the world is waiting for.

We just need to birth it!

You can feel so much potential inside you, you have big dreams and you are ready for more

  • You know there are people out there who need your help and that you could be an amazing success, doing what you love and loving what you do but you just need support and inspiration to help solidify all the ideas you have into something irresistible.
  • You have the right training, you may even have had success with clients already and have a profitable business but you're holding yourself back from making more impact and more income and you’re not sure why.
  • You can imagine earning a higher, reliable income, better quality, aligned CLIENTS who are fully committed, believe fully in what you do and get excellent results and importantly BALANCE between doing the work that you love AND enjoying the lifestyle it allows you... but you find yourself stalling, spinning plates, unsure of which steps to take next.
That’s where I come in!
Natalie in the garden
I am Natalie

I have helped hundreds of people all over the world to heal deep trauma, find freedom from limiting, negative belief patterns and step into their authentic selves to live the life they really deserve.

In just four years I have gone from zero to annual multi-six figures and growing rapidly. This kind of growth is extraordinary and I want to share how I got here with you.

I bring all of my professional and personal skills, tried and tested knowledge and wisdom to every client I work with – I consider it my honour, purpose and privilege to do this important work, helping other coaches and therapists to serve at a higher level, together healing the world, one heart at a time.


• I had no clear niche.
• My messaging was in no way focused on the problems I could help people solve.
• I didn't have a brand presence.
• I was embarrassed to even send people to my home-made website.
• I had no clue what I should be saying in my posts.
• I was serving a few clients 1-2-1 for a fraction of what the results were worth and on the verge of burning out… and I was struggling to make around $4000 a month.


...and I was determined to find it!

Fast-forward to today, I have two consistently sold-out signature programs, a full calendar of 1-2-1 clients three days a week, a powerful personal brand and am known as an expert in my niche fields and regularly invited on podcasts to share my wisdom in my niche areas.

I know exactly what to say when I post now and I am filled with inspiration everyday. I don't like to throw the term quantum leap around... but when you look at what has happened in such a short space of time... well let's just say it is out-of-this-world! I make multi-five figures every month and in 2020 I hit my first million US dollars! How? Well that is what I teach you in the Thriving Therapist Programme. My calling is activating other healers and therapists to become true beacons of light in a world that needs us more than ever. We need an army of angels shining brightly!

How would your life change if:

  • You were fully connected to your inner guidance and your message flowed out of your mouth and through your fingers every time you had an opportunity to share about your work and purpose?
  • You felt fully worthy of abundance and in being appropriately rewarded for the priceless transformations you help others achieve.
  • You could show up fearlessly without fear of judgement, with full conviction in the fact that you aren’t here to please everyone, but only those who are aligned with you and your purpose
I'm about to show you how!
Natalie in a black dress on the street



A four-month immersive journey of magnetic strategy and deep subconscious work to expand you into new levels of love, abundance and success.

Through the step-by-step approach of the Thriving Therapist Program you will get clear on your niche, create content that cuts through the social media noise and attracts clients into your signature program which I help you to create.

With the powerful, wisdom-packed guided Transformational Hypnotherapy Sessions and hypnosis audios you will shatter and smash obstacles like self-sabotage, procrastination, visibility fears, imposter syndrome, money blocks, indecision and confusion leaving you a clear path to step into your full potential so you can fulfil your purpose in serving others - and be financially rewarded for it

The Thriving Therapist has EVERYTHING you need to build a thriving practice.


As you transform inside, your life and business transform too, in ways you cannot even yet imagine.

Along with phenomenal Transformational Hypnotherapy to clear the blocks that would actually stop you from implementing everything else you learn from me about building a busy practice, there are ten fortnightly lessons/assignments that build on each other so that at the end of our four months together you will have a clear niche, a program to sell, a solid brand, social media presence and a fully produced Masterclass that sells your Signature Program to your perfectly aligned clients, while actually repelling time-wasters, saving you a LOT of time on discovery calls.

You receive daily support in our closed Thriving Therapist facebook group which you retain access to after the program so you can stay connected with the other incredible people who are on a path of growth and expansion in their businesses. You cheer each other on and keep each other accountable. It is so fabulous watching people take flight and soar!

I don't hold anything back with my TTT clients. I absolutely want you to have the same success I have created and I share everything that has got me to where I am with an open heart.

How does this sound



Online Organic Attraction Marketing Training

10 online modules for you to complete in your own time which build on each other week by week to give you all you need to build a phenomenal business doing what you love. PLUS a vault of indexed videos of the best gold nuggets from live client coaching (updated ongoing) for you to get fast wisdom downloads about your business.



Inner Guidance Activation
We begin by clearing any self-doubt and reconnecting you to unshakable self-trust. The best coach in the world lives in you and this session activates powerful inner guidance that will serve you the rest of your life and help to take your business to new heights. Get ready for new ideas, amazing creativity, decisiveness and inner calm, whatever comes your way.


Absolute Abundance Activation
This session is pure magic. Far more than just a money blocks clearing, this session uncovers any resistance to receiving, opening you up to more - more love, more abundance, more success - you are worthy of it all! Clients see all kinds of seemingly magical outcomes after this session - new clients out of nowhere, total peace charging higher prices, unexpected money coming in. You’re going to love it.


Vibrant Visibility Activation
It’s time for you to turn up your light! In this session we uncover fears of judgement or rejection and clear them from your subconscious freeing you to take ownership of yourself. After this session, your love and approval for yourself will be sovereign and you will free you to show up fearlessly and powerfully so those who are here to serve can see you!



The support and accountability continue every day in the exclusive Facebook group, which you retain access to. Join dozens of wonderful people just like you on the path to creating the soul-aligned business of their dreams.

Asset 5


  • 10 online lessons
  • 3 powerful guided hypnotherapy sessions
  • 3 beautiful hypnosis audios
  • Closed facebook group with regular lives with Natalie
  • PIF bonus - INTEGRITY hypnosis audio


  • 10 online lessons
  • 3 powerful guided hypnotherapy sessions
  • 3 beautiful hypnosis audios
  • Closed facebook group with regular lives with Natalie
Get in touch

Got questions? I’m here to help.

What Clients Say About The Thriving Therapist

Working with Natalie has been a valuable investment for me, both personally and professionally. Her program, The Thriving Therapist, is filled with information to help you build your practice at whatever level you happen to be.

She is willing and open to share every bit of her knowledge and “secrets”. Her transparency and caring approach has been a great inspiration for me. I highly recommend The Thriving Therapist, especially to those beginning to set up a practice or transitioning to add a new level of expertise to their current practice. Even though I’ve been in practice as a psychotherapist for nearly 30 years, I have been able to gain insights from this course with regard to incorporating my new RTT work within my current business framework, thus expanding all my areas of expertise.

Marlu Harris, USA


In the past 10 weeks while doing this course I have removed some of the biggest obstacles that were stopping me from stepping out in my business as a RTT practitioner. I have removed my money and receiving blocks which has opened up so many doors for me. I have defined my niche, committed to my website and new branding, I have prepared and ran a masterclass and I’m the process of finishing my 12 week online course. I’m so grateful and appreciative of your guidance, support and sharing the steps that you took to grow your successful business. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to excel their business and step into their power.

No amount of words can describe the gift you have given me and I hope you know just how amazing you are. I’m so excited for my future.

Belinda Urqhardt

Is The Thriving Therapist for You?

This program will be a great fit for you if you can say yes to the following:

  • Yes! I want to be held in a supportive container that helps me find my soul-aligned niche
  • Yes! I want to connect deeply with my ideal potential clients and attract them into my world
  • Yes! The idea of sliding into people’s DM’s is abhorrent to be and I can’t wait to learn about becoming magnetic in my marketing
  • Yes! I am fully committed to this and I’m ready to go all in to realise my dreams and purpose.
  • Yes! I want to collapse time by learning from a fun, kind, inspiring mentor who works in integrity and built massive success
  • Yes! I am ready to be part of a motivated, supportive tribe of other healers who are also ready to claim their place as a leader and turn up their light

what are you waiting for?

Imagine where your business could be by this time next year if you take inspired action today.


Bel has a solid niche and was able to quit her job to go full time with her therapy practice. Jacquie doubled her income through implementing the methods I teach and by clearing her biggest money blocks - she had a $20K month after her RTT session on abundance!

Rachelle doubled her prices and is now booked out four weeks in advance!

Donna feels complete confident and self trust "I just know I am really good at this". Trusts in herself, what she does and trust in her ability to attract right and ready clients

Eryn is now ready to completely change careers and is full of ideas every day that she can't wait to implement once she has graduated in RTT - and she already has a waiting list for when she does!

David got clear on the niche he was afraid to say yes to and is now ready to reach out authentically with a clear message that cuts through the social media noise

Genene used to have a major aversion to social media but now posts easily and effortlessly several times a week - just last week attracted 4 new clients through one brilliant Instagram post, using the principles of attraction marketing I teach in TTT.

Stefanie was able to quit her full time job to go full time with her therapy and coaching practice - she is clear on her niche, has launched her first program for parents and is kicking butt on social media

Asset 5


  • 10 online lessons
  • 3 powerful guided hypnotherapy sessions
  • 3 beautiful hypnosis audios
  • Closed facebook group with regular lives with Natalie
  • PIF bonus - INTEGRITY hypnosis audio


  • 10 online lessons
  • 3 powerful guided transformational hypnotherapy sessions
  • 3 beautiful hypnosis audios
  • Exclusive facebook group with regular lives with Natalie
Get in touch

Got questions? I’m here to help.

What Clients Say About The Thriving Therapist

From the moment I have my first call with Natalie I instantly knew that she was exactly the person I wanted to work with and wow, I was so right to trust my intuition. Natalie has a natural gift and ability to see deep into your soul and know exactly how to heal and draw out the best in a person.

The program is very well structured and gives a clear direction for any new therapist/coach. Despite the great support from my therapy school there was a gap and a clear need for a step by step coaching in order to convert the knowledge acquired into a thriving practice. I would highly recommend this to any graduate as a well worth investment in a personal and professional development.



I am feeling amazing gratitude down to my core. Learning from Natalie, and receiving RTT therapy along the way, feels like a hand-and-glove fit for all that I have been asking for. Choosing to invest in myself, with Natalie's Thriving Therapist Program, gave me the ability to no longer be blocked by my own unresolved, pain-body issues. I don't even have the right words to describe the sheer joy of this transformed place I am so grateful to be living in. This course is like a college course: so rich with information, introspection, planning, and growth. It is truly transformational, on many levels. I am feeling much more confidence in the unfolding of my efforts and intentions, with a sense of anticipation for what is to come. It's a feeling of non-conflict...the absence of obstacles. I am flying above it all. Thank you, Natalie.



Frequently Asked Questions

The Thriving Therapist is perfect for you if you are at a point where you want to level up, claim your space as a leader and make a big difference in the world. Those looking to hit their first consistent 10-15K months do very well in this program. You might have just been certified or you may have been doing this for years. What matters is - are you ready for more? More clients. More impact. More income. More freedom!

The program begins the moment you sign up! It is self-study so you complete it in your own time.

Each of the 10 modules is no more than one hour and then you should allow a few hours a week to complete the exercises - we are working in and on your business!

Three powerful guided hypnotherapy sessions are also included within the program. You’ll need to allow an hour for each session plus 15 minutes every day to listen to your hypnosis audio. You will also need to allow time each week to engage in the exclusive facebook group to give and receive support, accountability and inspiration

Asset 5


  • 10 online lessons
  • 3 powerful guided hypnotherapy sessions
  • 3 beautiful hypnosis audios
  • Closed facebook group with regular lives with Natalie
  • PIF bonus - INTEGRITY hypnosis audio


  • 10 online lessons
  • 3 powerful guided transformational hypnotherapy sessions
  • 3 beautiful hypnosis audios
  • Exclusive facebook group with regular lives with Natalie
Get in touch

Got questions? I’m here to help.